We would like to share with our nice and hard-working partners from Athens these videos.
The song "El universo sobre mi" is sung by the Spanish group Amaral in Greek and in Spanish language. And there is a fantastic version of this song by the Greek singer Eleftheria Arvanitaki.
So, listen to the videos and let´s try practising some Spanish!
É posible que aos nosos afables e activos colaboradores gregos lles resulte grato escoitar en grego e castelán o tema El universo sobre mi de Amaral e a excelente interpretación que dela fai a súa compatriota Eleftheria Arvanitaki.
The song "El universo sobre mi" is sung by the Spanish group Amaral in Greek and in Spanish language. And there is a fantastic version of this song by the Greek singer Eleftheria Arvanitaki.
So, listen to the videos and let´s try practising some Spanish!
É posible que aos nosos afables e activos colaboradores gregos lles resulte grato escoitar en grego e castelán o tema El universo sobre mi de Amaral e a excelente interpretación que dela fai a súa compatriota Eleftheria Arvanitaki.
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